Children’s Story: A Sunday Meeting

Once upon a time in a quite little village, lived a curious, sweet and kind-hearted girl named Lila. Every Sunday morning, Lila and her family would wake up early, put on their Sunday best, and make their way to the village church. Lila loved these Sunday mornings because they were always filled with a sense of excitement and wonder.

As Lila and her family entered the church, the sunlight streamed through the colorful stained-glass windows, painting beautiful patterns on the walls. The soft music played filling the air, creating a peaceful and soothing atmosphere. Lila felt her heart swell with happiness as she took her seat next to her parents.

One particular Sunday, as the pastor began to share stories from the Bible, Lila’s mind wandered a bit. She started to imagine what it would be like to meet Jesus. She had seen pictures of him in her storybooks – with a warm smile, surrounded by children and animals. Lila wondered if Jesus was as kind and loving as he seemed in those pictures.

Lost in her thoughts, Lila closed her eyes for a moment and whispered a silent prayer in her heart. “Dear Jesus, it would be wonderful to meet you someday.”

Just then, something magical happened. A soft glow seemed to fill the church, and Lila felt a gentle touch on her shoulder. Startled, she opened her eyes and turned around, and there he was – a kind-looking man with a warm smile, dressed in simple robes.

“Hello, Lila,” the man said in a gentle and reassuring voice.

Lila’s eyes widened with amazement. Could this be Jesus? Her heart raced with excitement as she whispered, “Are you… are you Jesus?”

The man nodded with a smile. “Yes, Lila, I am.”

Lila’s heart danced with joy. She couldn’t believe it – she was actually talking to Jesus! Without hesitation, she gave him a tight hug, feeling a sense of comfort and love she had never experienced before.

As they sat together at the back of the church, Jesus listened as Lila shared her thoughts, dreams, and questions. He spoke to her about love, kindness, and the importance of helping others. Lila felt as if time had stood still, and in that moment, all her worries and fears melted away.

When it was time for Jesus to leave, Lila felt a pang of sadness. “Will I ever see you again?” she asked, her eyes filled with hope.

Jesus smiled warmly. “I’m always with you in your heart, Lila. Whenever you show love and kindness to others, I’m right there with you.”

With those words, Jesus gently touched Lila’s heart. As he disappeared, the church seemed to shine even brighter, and Lila felt a deep sense of joy and peace.

From that day on, Lila continued to go to church with her family, cherishing each moment and carrying Jesus’ teachings of love and kindness in her heart. And even though she couldn’t see Jesus with her eyes, she felt his presence in the songs, the stories, and the smiles of those around her. Lila knew that the joy of going to church and meeting Jesus would always be a treasured part of her life.

Have you met Jesus yet? If not and you would like to meet him, just close your eyes and whisper a silent prayer in your heart just like Lila did and know that Jesus will be right there in your heart always just like he is with Lila.

The End.

Pastor Jonathan W. Pannell

Happy 6th Birthday to my beautiful daughter Lila. Jesus loves you and so do I.

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